Anglo Education Services
Helping to choose the right school for you!
We are a team of educational advisors with over 20 years’ experience in British education. We offer a range of services that help parents and students navigate the Boarding Schools selection and admissions process.
Our knowledge and experience in British education affords us the ability to successfully help our clients find the right school.
Visiting numerous independent English Language Schools and Boarding Schools campuses each year, we can perform hands on analysis and evaluate each school’s academic programs, facilities, faculty, administration and student satisfactions.
We offer informed, unbiased and impartial advice to international families at every stage of the private Boarding Schools admissions process – from boarding school search through post-decision stage.
Assessing and evaluating student and family needs, discussing goals, weighing the importance of school factors such as: educational philosophy, location, cost, size, athletics, arts, academic rigor, diversity, multiculturalism, student’s happiness, etc is the best way to help them to gain a true sense of the range of selection in their research of an independent Boarding Schools.
For more information about the student visa’s visit the U.K government student visa website here.
International Support – our students come from across the globe.
Residential courses – Help with boarding and accomodation.
Excellent Institutions – Some of the best learning institutions globally.
“As an experienced Education Advisor, I have an understanding of the UK’s education system and an in-depth knowledge of the schools.
I have personally visited many of them and have built professional relationships with key staff. As a result, I have become an expert in the independent sector in the UK”.
by Isabel Alvarez, founder and Director of Anglo Education Services.
There are hundreds of boarding schools and colleges in the UK to choose from.
To make a completely informed decision on what and where to study, the course content and ‘personality’ of the school should be considered.
Feeling happy and content at the place you are studying is important for your growth and personal development. We are able to guide students and parents through every step of the journey.
Our Education Advisors represent the independent schools in the UK. We have been working with them in the UK for twenty years!
Key Values:
At Anglo Education Services we:
- Understand the structure of the UK education system.
- Have a knowledge of the subjects and qualifications (GCSEs, A-levels and IB), and how these are recognised in your home country.
- Have visited and built relationships with many of the schools and know their individual strengths and ‘personalities’.
- Take the utmost care and attention when making placements.
At Anglo Education we enjoy helping students reach their goals!
- The Educational Counsellor Agent and Advisors are here to guide students and families through every step of the selection and application journey until the pupil is successfully placed.
- We will help to narrow down your search and find a suitable school or course.
- Are you looking for a school that consistently achieves excellent academic standards, as well as providing special facilities for music, dance, sports or drama?
- Maybe you wish for co-educational, single gender, or a school that has a particular religious foundation?
- Whatever your requirements or preferences, Anglo Education Services counsellors are here to find the right school for you.
- Once you have made your choice or have short listed several, we will help you with your final selection then arrange and assist with the application process. If necessary we can arrange a visit to the school and accompany you to act as an interpreter if desired. We have good knowledge of the entrance requirements of each school and will help you throughout the process.
- As well as finding a school, we are able to give advice on academic preparation courses that take place during the summer time. These courses help improve a student’s level of English and provide an introduction into what life is like studying in the UK.
Anglo Education Services is a service for YOU and we enjoy helping you reach your goals!
Interview to Isabel who is the Director and owner of the company. ICEF Agent. Reference checked, reviewed and approved
She knows a thing or two about the UK Education system since she has been studying it and working within it for the past twenty years.
Over this time she has helped guide countless of young people into some of the best education institutions the country has to offer, whether that be for GCSEs, A Level or the IB in a boarding school, or English language courses anywhere in the UK.
You don’t need to spend much time with Isabel to see that she puts her heart and soul into her role, and this is also clear to the parents and young people she works with, often remaining in contact with them long after a placements has been found.
- Question: What is the Education Agent’s role?
- Answer: To understand the education system and qualifications in the destination country, and to supply international students with truthful information about educational institutions and their courses, enrolment and visa conditions, living conditions available and costs involved. The role also includes assisting the candidate with the school enrolment documents and assistance while living in the country. This is usually done in the student’s first language, which is the main reason why an educational agent is incredibly helpful and not a commodity.
- Question: What type of courses and schools do you help find and place aspiring students in?
- Answer: The age range of our courses and schools are for students between 8 and 18 years old. Our students usually come to do the Sixth Form and will continue to University. Some of our summer courses are highly academic and prepare students for studying in the British system, either school years or University. Other international students come to immerse themselves in the British way of life and the English language; they come to have the experience and can stay for a few weeks, one term or one academic year. In general, students studying abroad believe that the year or more abroad was the best experience of their lives. It makes them mature and they become ‘international’ students.
- Question: What training and experience do you have behind you that inform your work as an education agent?
- Answer: The experience comes from the working place. The training by attending courses and seminars organised by the council of the destination country. I also spend a lot of time studying what is available to students so I can offer the best – research is an everyday duty in the office.
- Question: What is it about your work that you enjoy?
- Answer: The main reason I am in this job is because I speak two languages, I know the British education system and I love the challenge of matching a student’s requirement with the right course /school. I have the computer skills to filter essential information about the schools defined by parameters to match with the students’ needs. I’m extremely lucky to have found something to do that I love and at the same time help a student to have the experience of their life.
Accredited ICEF Agent