Experience authentic Britain away from the hustle of the well trodden tourist trail. Located in the south-west of England, close to the city of Bristol and one hour from London by train.
The broad IGCSE/GCSE curriculum covers a wide range of Academic Subjects including English, applied mathematics, sciences, social studies, humanities, and art. The medium of instruction is English, and you will have 30 hours of inspiring learning per week. Students gain a real insight and excellent preparation for any GCSE, pre IB or equivalent programme. You will learn invaluable study skills to help you in your academic careers whilst being introduced to different styles of learning. You’ll be taught by inspiring, qualified subject teachers who have been supported by EFL teachers, so they know how to teach students whose first language is not English.
The method takes a cross-curricular approach to make learning fun and interesting, so lessons involve a mixture of theory and practical work. For example, in science you will do some practical experiments in the laboratories which will really bring the theory to life. You will also develop your IT skills, research, and study skills as well as learning how to give effective presentations.
International students should have at least B1 level of English on the Common European Framework.
Sidcot School is a beautiful, safe and rural school with outstanding facilities:
Sidcot School facilities include:
– a swimming pool,
– tennis courts
– sports hall
– playing fields
– library
– art centre with high spec music, drama and art facilities
– boarding accommodation with single, double and triple bedrooms and cosy students’ lounges
– laundry facilities
– modern dinning hall serving a variety of delicious, multicultural home-made meals
– coffee shop (Sidcot Hub)
– WIFI throughout the campus
The accommodation is spacious and homely! You will share a twin/ triple room with other students. There is a desk for study and a wardrobe and drawers for your belongings. You will be in a house with all of your new friends and there is always a friendly member of staff close by.
Sidcot School’s on-campus boarding accommodation has separate boys and girls’ houses. If you over the age of 16 you can request a single room. We like students to be in mixed nationality bedrooms.
HORSE-RIDING is available three times a week.
- Large indoor arena,
- Outdoor arena,
- Over 100 acres with a cross country course and show jumping course,
- 13 horses on site
- a number of riding instructors
- BHS approved and British Eventing registered.
GOLF is available three times a week.
Golf is a fascinating sport with so many aspects of the game to learn from putting through to the full swing. Getting out onto the course is a fantastic experience and challenge to try and better your score each time you play.
DATES: contact us for details
FEES: From £1,350 per week
ACREDITATION British Accreditation Council (BAC) & Quality Education (QE)
If you have any enquiry or would like to make a reservation, you are welcome to contact Anglo Education Services at: info@angloed.com
or call Tel: +44 (0)1424 429849